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FortisAlberta Net Zero Building

JMAA architecture worked with FortisAlberta to design a new office and shop facility that will meet net zero energy consumption requirements.  Net zero buildings are unique in that they produce as much energy (or more) then they consume during a year.  Part of developing this Net zero building is incorporating a solar array on the buildings roof and in a corner of the site.  In addition to the solar power the facility produces the rest of the building systems where reviewed to provide energy efficiencies and lower resource usage.  Wall and roof construction was adjusted to be more efficient then typically building envelops and LED lights and efficient mechanical systems were also utilized.  This net zero flagship may become the building standard moving forward for FortisAlberta's new facilities.  This building is currently under construction.         



Alberta, Canada

Suite #2, 5000 - 51 Ave. Red Deer, AB, Canada

Tel 403.346. 4542       Fax 403.347.2015

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